Portrait of a Legong dancing girl
The Balinese Legong dancing girl not only move their body but she's "dancing" with her eyes too.
(This photo was captured in May 2001 with a KODACHROME 50 ASA slide film and scanned with a NIKON CoolScan 5000 ED.)
Benita Sittner 19/02/2014 21:32
....hervorragend....VLG BenitaRuedi of Switzerland 19/02/2014 11:20
WOW welche Detailgenauigkeit, wenn man beachtet, dass noch ein Scan-Vorgang "dazwischen" liegt. BRAVO! HG RuediLindefotografie 19/02/2014 9:56
wunderschön und anmutig ! VG, Bernd