Pride in an Ugly Job
A driver polishes the name plate of his locomotive - unfortunately named "Ugly". Spa Valley Railway (Tunbridge Wells to Groombridge).
Pride in an Ugly Job
A driver polishes the name plate of his locomotive - unfortunately named "Ugly". Spa Valley Railway (Tunbridge Wells to Groombridge).
Peter Leigh 18/08/2014 15:39
Nice shot David, and I like the idea of putting Brasso to UglyY.Takatsu. 22/02/2014 17:46
It's very impressive for me, seems lovely moment, toowonderful shot....really like it,
with my best regards,
Y.Takatsu. Tokyo Japan 10/11/2013 11:05
:) Great find and documentation. He changes ugly in beautiful. Greetz, MikeGisela57 14/10/2013 18:00
Wonderful moment and subtle irony . . . it makes me smile. :-) Beautiful reflections. This picture tells us many stories.Kind regards, Gisela
Robi H. Löwy 12/10/2013 13:09
Das Wort «UGLY» hat ja so viele Bedeutungen, die alle im Negativen liegen, wie hässlich, mies, abstossend usw.Dann kommst Du mit Deiner Aufnahme und belehrst uns eines Besseren: Schön, begehrenswert, liebevoll.
Tolle Geschichte.
Manolo Torres 06/10/2013 11:16
Excelente composición con un colorido y realización muy buena. Te felicito por tu trabajo. Saludos, manolo.Pixelknypser 05/10/2013 16:13
das gefällt mir,sehr gut fotografiert.VG IngoAsphera Penn 03/10/2013 17:00
Uomo e" oggetto" del suo lavoro sono un tutt'uno.L'orgoglio nel presentarlo al meglio, accudendolo, suscita sicuramente sentimenti di fiducia e affetto .
Ci sono dunque ancora tante brave persone!!
Emilio Sirletti 02/10/2013 7:46
A photo that fascinates.Very beautiful expression of man it touches, with great delicacy, the locomotive as if it were a living being.
A beautiful composition with nice colors.
Very, very good.
Ciao, Emilio
Doris Hellwig 68 28/09/2013 21:36
sehr schöne komposittion, technick perfekt umgesetzt!+++wünsche dir, einen schönen abend :-)
lg doris
Vera Shulga 27/09/2013 14:30
Great portrait!Regards, Vera
Jutta Grote 25/09/2013 16:34
Gute Detailaufnahme und sehr interessant mit der Spiegelung.LG Jutta
Josiane FERRET 25/09/2013 15:02
un homme qui aime et soigne sa machineamitiés, Josiane
Dragomir Vukovic 25/09/2013 9:35
great 1 !!!Piet G. 25/09/2013 7:27
Excellent reflet.... LG. Piet