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Proud to be a Demage Hero!!!

Proud to be a Demage Hero!!!

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Proud to be a Demage Hero!!!

Event: 5° Lessinia in Cosplay
Location: Ex Tirassegno - Bosco Chiesanuova (Verona - Italy)
Cosplay: Junkrat by Overwatch
Cosplayer: Marco (Ig: @ferra201_cosplay)
Stage Director, Toolmaker and Calendar Founder: Fabio Gelso (Fb: @fabio.gelso.1, IG: @gelsofabio)
Photographer and Digiarter: Maurizio Moroni

- L’arte della guerra è l’arte di distruggere gli uomini, come la politica e l’arte d’ingannarli / The art of war is the art of destroying men, like politics and the art of deceiving them / (Jean Baptiste Le Rond d'Alembert (Jean Baptiste Le Rond d’Alembert)
- Parlare era un atto di creazione ma anche di distruzione. Era meglio starci molto attenti, con questa invenzione / Speaking was an act of creation but also of destruction. It was better to be very careful with this invention (Amélie Nothomb)
- Non c’è bisogno di bruciare i libri per distruggere una cultura. Basta convincere la gente a smettere di leggere / You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them (Ray Bradbury) (Junkrat Theme - SCRATON) (THE JUNKRAT AND ROADHOG RAP - JT Music) (JUNKRAT VS DEMOMAN RAP BATTLE - JT Music)

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