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putting oneself on display

putting oneself on display

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Comentarios 6

  • Emma Moore 20/05/2006 20:04

    I agree, you need the shadows to put her into place, otherwise she would almost just float in thin air. I love this image, it's brilliant and made me laugh.

  • Maguire 09/05/2006 11:10

    very inventive.. different, amusing and well done.
  • Alin Neamtu 08/05/2006 23:29

    the ideea of you, hanging of a nail, on the wall... almost like a picture... but touchable....
  • Thomasina Leigh 08/05/2006 22:24

    Love it!
  • Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir 04/05/2006 14:49

    the model is me, and the pronounced shadows is one of the aspects i like most about this, visually. Furthermore, the concept is that i'm nailing myself to the wall. If i were standing away from it, that idea would pretty much fall over itself.

    and yes, it is meant to be a toung-in-cheek look at self-portraiture.
  • Allan Thompson 04/05/2006 14:47

    This is obviously a funny, play on words photo! It shows the personality and wit of the photographer! It makes me smile!!