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Quest for a better chance

Quest for a better chance

5.808 57 Galería

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Quest for a better chance


Immigration is a desperate quest for another chance in life. It is not easily selected as nobady wants to be estranged from his roots and traditions. More it is seldom dictated by mere ambition, greediness or vanity, only by extreme abjection,degredation, unsafety and instict for survival.
Greece is a country that has passed through this very painful experience back in the 50ties when the country was struggling to recover not only from the devastating consequences of the world conflict but also from the painful traces of another five yeared civil war (1945-1950) that followed after. During the 50ties and 6ties, Greece was deprived of its most vital element, the youth, that asked for a better chance abroad with Germany and Australia the most frequent destinations. But that time was a more or less justified move considering an unavoiding reality that many other poor countries also had to face. Poverty.
Unfortunately, today,Greece is receiving the same blow but, this time, forced unexpectedly and totally deceived by a faulty vision of prosperity and great expectations that promised her entry to the group of the highly developped and most civilized countries in the globe, The EEC. Expectations that seem to have faded away under overincreased unemployment, overtaxation, reduced wages, minimized pensions and a national debt impossible to be covered. It is amazing the portion that seeked and seeks immigration as a refuge for a better chance during the last five years of the crisis...
But with a significant and morbid difference. In the 50ties and 6oties it was mainly low educated and unskilled workers that fled the country. Now it is scientists, bankrupted businessmen, highly qualified craftsmen, university scholars and youngsters in order to study and probably stay for ever abroad, i.e, the most vigorous portion of the population.
In the past, immigration was a blessing and possibly a remedy.. Presently is a curse.

In the photo, the common figure of an immigrating individual. in Thessaloniki railway station.So distinctly differentiated from the ordinnary traveler!...

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Cámara Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 8000 ED
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Galería (Motivos)
06/06/2016 53 Pro / 47 Contra

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