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Avant d'être maman, je m'en posais déjà des questions... Mais alors, depuis que nos enfants sont entrés dans nos vies, je n'arrête plus de m'en poser!! A la fois passionnant et fatigant parfois... Quand je pense avoir trouvé un petit bout de réponse, le quotidien me rappelle à l'ordre et me laisse entendre que je ne les trouverai jamais ces réponses... Alors je me rassure avec cette citation qui me laisse penser que je suis déjà en chemin!
Amitiés à vous tous et que l'été soit riche en belles découvertes humaines et photographiques!

Comentarios 4

  • Flighty Furrow 24/06/2009 10:45

    Hi Lara!

    Your questioning got me thinking too! So thanks for that already – now I do not need a second coffee to get me going this morning ;-).

    Words & image go well together. An idea, or as is here the case a question often become more tangible when we associate an image with them in our mind. This image we can then translate into a photo. This in turn becomes the result of what is often a complex process but because we often do it intuitively it will reveal an inner truth, something which is close to our heart.

    And what a beautiful image you came up with. A flower in seeds. The seeds referring to the new life (your children, the questions they raise in you). The little holes left by the seeds already blown away signify the questions to which you cannot find the answer. The fact that we know that the seeds will be blown away and leave behind those little holes show the way these two are interrelated. One is the cause of the other – but can also be part of the process towards an answer. It also signifies that we need to have trust in ourselves so that we can let them go.

    There are two important elements which are not directly visible in the photo, which we can fill in ourselves. One is: Yes the seeds will be blown away, but we can decide to actively do this ourselves and not wait until the wind does so. So we can take a decision – as you did by finding solace & confidence in the Jasper axiom – to blow them away without exactly knowing what will happen in consequence. The other is: If the seeds will not be blown away they will simply die. If they are, they have the chance to begin a new life, to start something new and to come back to the metaphor of your image/quotation they might grow into/become in themselves an answer to one of your questions!

    In this respect I fully agree – c'est plus important d'être en route que d'avoir tout les réponses. Il faut qu'on bouge, qu'on ne reste pas bloqué. La question d'hier n'a peut-être plus d'importance demain ou va trouver ça réponse dans une fleur d'été l'année prochaine. La il faut être en route pour la voire!

    (Sorry, for the length of my comment ;-)
  • Dragomir Vukovic 15/06/2009 16:50

    great it is !
  • Pascal Viyer 15/06/2009 11:36

    La pierre philosophale de nos quotidiens "singuliers"
    amitié, Lara
  • Sergio Pessolano 14/06/2009 22:21

    It works great!