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Rio Douro (Oporto / Portugal)

Rio Douro (Oporto / Portugal)

23.152 33

António Ramos

Free Account, Maia

Rio Douro (Oporto / Portugal)

The Douro talks of, is not hardly he willtalk about a river or about a region. It isgreat more than this. . . is to speak thewhole his history and of his people, whomake it so special.
To know I Gild it it is not hardly it willvisit the region, it is culture and the onlypersons leave in a travel to the discoveryof the only place, with a history.
There are several explanations for theorigin of the name I "gild". A legendcounts which era should usually seesrolling a few small and brilliant pedritas,that if it came to discover they weremade of gold. There is the one who saysstill that the name is due to the muddycolor of the waters of the river,consequence of the great quantities ofdebris that the torrents were draggingslopes is lowered by me and that sincethey are of a lively yellow they weregiving him a golden color. But there isstill the one who defends what thisname diverts of the Latin «Durius«, inother words, I "last", due to thehardness of his winding outlines of highand rocky steep slopes.
I gild the river that it is born in theMountain range of Urbión, in the northof Spain, her nearly 2000 meters ofaltitude. It is the second biggest river ofPortugal with a 927 km total length; inPortuguese territory, this river has only210 km of length and is navigable alongall this distance, thanks to five damsthat are, nowadays, also an attractiondue to his unevenness. The Dam of theCarrapatelo has an unevenness in thelevel of the 35 meters water, one of thebiggest unevennesses of Europe.
It was this river, in very narrow anddangerous times, what broughtprosperity to the region, visa that wasthrough him that there was done thetransport of the precious nectar, thePort. In the last centuries this river wasrepresenting a challenge and a dangerfor those who in him were sailing. It wasreplete of fortíssimas currents andsubmerged average stones. Then only asmall boat from wood – the Rabelo – wasmanaging to sail in these waters and todo the transport of the wine from theValley of the Douro even to the mouth ofriver, in which edges Nova de Gaia thereare situated the cities of Oporto andTown.

Comentarios 33

  • Ingrid und Gunter 17/09/2016 16:11

    Ein ausgezeichnetes Landschaftsfoto.
    LG Ingrid & Gunter
  • SINA 03/09/2016 12:40

    Fabelhafte Wetterdramaturgie
    in dieser Umgebung
    ein ausdrucksstarkes Foto
    Herzlich Sina
  • † Ingeborg K 27/08/2016 20:37

    Der düstere Himmel verheißt nicht gerade schönes Wetter. Eine interessante Stimmung hast Du perfekt festgehalten.
    LG Ingeborg
  • Monika Arnold 26/08/2016 19:26

    ein feines Foto lieber Antonio.
    Ganz liebe Grüße Monika
  • JX 26/08/2016 17:10

    Sehr schöne Aufnahmen!! Viele Grüße Beat.
  • Bernhard Kuhlmann 26/08/2016 15:45

    Ein schönes Motiv ist dir dort vor die Linse gekommen !
    Auch die Lichtstimmung versteht es zu begeistern.
    Gruß Bernd
  • norma ateca 26/08/2016 14:38

    Bellissimo. muy bueno saludos Norma
  • Johanna C. 24/07/2016 10:19

    Un très beau paysage urbain
    Amitiés, Jo
  • Trugbild 05/07/2016 14:52

    A good Look at theatening Clouds on this City on the River. Greetings Adeltraut
  • Hans-Günther Schöner 27/06/2016 9:18

    Foto und Beschreibung verdienen ein ganz besonderes Lob !!!

  • Lila 13/06/2016 12:02

    schön mit diesem Himmel !!!!!!!!!
    L.G. Lila
  • Bettina Perl 12/06/2016 17:07

    Wunderschön mit dem bedrohlichen Wolkenhimmel. Perfekt!
    LG Bettina
  • Natalie16 11/06/2016 19:22

    Impressive river view... with these dramatic clouds... Wonderful photo!
    BR, Natalie
  • Juan 11/06/2016 14:27

    ein feines Bild von Rio Douro (Oporto / Portugal)
    LG. Juan.
  • aitor garcia 31/05/2016 23:13

    Antonio tan solo e estado en Portugal un par de veces y para eso en la zona norte en concreto en ( Tras os Montes y en Chaves ) pero por lo que veo en tu fotografía en Oporto tiene que ser una gozada darse un paseo en un pequeño bote por este río Douro.
    Gracias amigo por compartir tan bella imagen, saludos Juan.!!


Vistas 23.152


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Distancia focal 58.0 mm
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