Thorny Devil

Free Account, near Mayence, Germany


I come from Northern Germany and my first childhood memories are from the Wadden Sea, where you can see the expanse up to the horizon...
About 20 years ago I lived on Lake Constance for a few years and my friends there took me on bigfoot skis on the Schesaplana Glacier in the Swiss/Austrian Alps so that I could experience the mountains up close. At the end of the day I even had snow in my ears, but I was deeply impressed by the huge areas of snow and ice under this incredible deep blue sky. In the meantime, this glacier has also melted a lot...
[from my analog color-slide archive 2003]

Comentarios 2

  • Adele D. Oliver 04/06/2021 1:52

    a sight full of magic with these rolling hills
    covered in snow and that deep blue sky above ...
    superb your capture with the light and colour
    and ambience effects .. the traces of the skier
    a special eye catcher !!!
    warm regards,
    p.s. ich habe meine Heimat auch in Norddeutschland,
    Kiel :-)))
    • Thorny Devil 04/06/2021 5:49

      Vielen Dank Adele,
      die Welt ist wirklich klein - in Kiel habe ich studiert :-)
      Liebe Grüße


Vistas 12.686


Cámara Nikon COOLSCAN V ED
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