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Searching for Usama Bin Laden in Helmand Region, South Afghanistan

Searching for Usama Bin Laden in Helmand Region, South Afghanistan

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Bin Im Laden


Searching for Usama Bin Laden in Helmand Region, South Afghanistan


While in Kandahar, Omar, a friend of mine, he told me dass er kennt ein mann und sagt this man er weiss wo ist Usama Bin Laden. Wenn kriegt 100, 000 $ he can guide zu hideout von Usama in Helmand Region, South Afghanistan. Hab ich senden ein SMS an local office von CIA in Kabul, ob noch hat interest an Usama zu fangen oder nicht. Sagt CIA chief von Kabul dass will und gibt jetzt sogar 50 million $ für Usama. Because CIA schon desperate weil noch immer nicht hat Usama und ist das very hot tip CIA did sponsor our search mit 500, 000$ und noch did print 5 000 plakat for distribution all over South Afghanistan. Same as you can see on the bus.
CIA still gave to this secret mission the code name "Dead Or Alive" and the rest Omar and me did organize. We hired this bus that once was a donation by the people of America for the Mujaheddins and former freedom fighter Usama during Russian invasion. Still we bought some proviant and put a part of it to the luggage on rooftop. The guide did sit beside the driver um weg zu zeigen. Hier ein picture während stop for refueling in Sinjiri, west of Kandahar..
Already next day we reached the place wo Usama should be. Das house von local mayor in Samadkhan Kalay, ein village near to Gereshk, further west of Kandahar close to Helmand river. Aber unfortunately Usama er war nicht da. The guide told dass kann er Usama noch riechen as if er steht hier ! Der local mayor: "Surely Usama comes back soon.......Inschallah." Usama aber he didn't come back ;-(((.
Haben wir dann geteilt the CIA money. Kann ich jetzt travel again long time :-)
The guide told er kann gut brauchen the money für dialyse und wenn finished his money er sich melden again mit news about whereabouts of Usama Bin Laden. We still exchanged our email address for later communication and then I did send SMS to CIA in Kabul:
"Mission Accomplished, thank you very much".

Highway rasthouse between Kabul and Kandahar
Highway rasthouse between Kabul and Kandahar
Bin Im Laden


Comentarios 30

  • Double A 13/02/2011 21:59

    Careful you do not end up on the radar of the C i A with these jokes. They take things very much too seriously when it comes to their priorities.
    Otherwise a great way of joking around with current affairs. :)
    cheers, A&A
  • Alfons Gellweiler 12/02/2011 22:32

    good to know, that the picture is true and correct.

  • Rolf Pessel 09/06/2010 8:19

    Das alles inkl. Anmerkungen wären doch ein (kurzweiliges) Buch wert - ganz sicher.
    LG Rolf
  • DRAGA PUC 24/03/2008 19:31

    excellent bw!!
  • Bin Im Laden 20/03/2008 10:22

    But I need this Judas for the next mission and more money from CIA ;-)

    Dear Gaby, hope to meet you in Guantanamo...........

    Cheers, Bin

  • Bin Im Laden 19/03/2008 12:55

    Dear Florian's Vater, it's surely Afghanistan.

    LG aus Kandahar,
    Bin Bey Osama ;-)
  • Wilhelm H. 18/03/2008 1:15

    oh, I thought, this meht have been Yemen
  • GABY F 18/03/2008 0:48

    Oh, Bin---don't be such a wimp, LOL---I hear that there are actually some creature comforts now at Gitmo. I think they are feeding the inmates some American junk food now, and the guys are actually beginning to look as fat as some of their captors. Remember, when you get fat & sluggish you don't have the energy to rebel.

    Oh, well, the CIA/Homeland Security will arrest me any time now for thought crimes...

    On that note, Cheers!

  • Bin Im Laden 18/03/2008 0:18

    @Gaby F,
    Dear Gaby, I very much appreciate your words. Although myself can't post here such a statement as due to my name I surely will soon find me on special holidays in Guantanamo ;-)

    Cheers, Bin

    Dear Herbert,
    as soon as the next mission accomplished I will post it here................Inschallah.

    Best regards,
    Bin On Special Mission
  • Herbert Rulf 16/03/2008 23:44

    The story is as good as the pic !

    Tell and show us more !

    Regards, Herbert
  • GABY F 16/03/2008 23:22

    Like that pic!! And youe sense oh humor...

    (BTW, .I believe .tThe U.S. is not at all interested to find or kill Usama...they need to uphold some real "enemy"--how else could the U.S. continue
    its global reign of terror and at the same time (conveniently) remove those pesky civil rights that are, at least technically, guaranteed in the Constitution? Anyway, Osama is a dark-skinned man with dark hair and beard, so he must be evil in the simple mind of the ignorant, fat, red-neck American, right?.)

    Long live Osama!!
  • bakmak 16/03/2008 19:03

    hihi, you are a wonderful gay....
    great picture and Bea
  • Christian Knospe 16/03/2008 10:16

    yea..we want him back !!
  • redfox-dream-art-photography 16/03/2008 0:12

    Very good work!!!
  • Sir Tobys diario 08-09 15/03/2008 8:37

    "Bin The Rich" :-o) What you machen with soviel
    Pasta, can you buy me a neuen Jeep, mine got
    stolen vor vier Tagen *sniff* Great Reportage and
    have a nice WE, *lg, i.A. Miriam