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Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 10

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 10

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Premium (Complete), Bardowick

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 10

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 10

In this lesson: "ALL IN GOD'S HANDS", means "Alles in Gottes Händen", and "WALL" means in this case "Mauer".

Many people say the faith in God can move mountains. It certainly can't move the "Wall" in Wuppertal, because this wall has been existing here for a long time

Not as long as the Great Wall of China, but longer than the Berlin Wall :-)

But attention: The translation of "Wall" is not "wall" but "earthwork" and "embankment".

Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall

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Comentarios 9

  • GRESCH 04/02/2011 13:05

    Wall Street ..."God Help Me" ich glaub wir sind in der Hand der Banker. :-)
    Gruß Gregor
  • B.Q. 02/02/2011 10:20

    deine Synapsen funktionieren andersartig gut... mag diese Gedankenverkreuzungen... und deine offenen Augen (sinnbildlich) *g*
  • Lucy i.t.S. 01/02/2011 22:26

  • Bernadette O. 01/02/2011 21:50

    Mit Gott kannst du Mauern überspringen ...! (2. Sam. 22,30)
  • dasknipsding 01/02/2011 21:27

    klasse, Deine Sicht auf die Dinge !
  • --M. J.-- 01/02/2011 20:52

    Stimmt wohl schon.
    Gruß Michael
  • --carmen-- 01/02/2011 20:42

    doesnt it means 'wallstreet'? ;)
  • Gerhard Körsgen 01/02/2011 20:40

    Sozusagen die "wallstrasse", also Wall street, alles in Gottes Händen, also Finanzkrise, Abgründe ungeahnten Ausmasses hinter einem simpel wirkenden sw-Pic äääh Bild :-))

    LG Gerry
  • kira2501 01/02/2011 20:33

    was du so alles findest. Und ich liebe Pink Floyd!


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