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Seasons of Love...

Seasons of Love...

710 2

Seasons of Love...

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.

In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in the life?

How about love?
How about love?
How about love? Measure in love

Seasons of love. Seasons of love

[Seasons of Love - Rent]

Comentarios 2

  • Toni R. 11/10/2008 22:28

    Ein sehr berührendes Portrait.
    Liebe Grüße
  • 3ème oeil 11/10/2008 18:52

    Gewagter schnitt aber kommt gut
    mir gefällt es ;)
    wünsche ein schönes WE
    gglg Jérôme