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Senior Bali Aga portrait

Senior Bali Aga portrait

4.477 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Senior Bali Aga portrait

Portrait photo of a elder Bali Aga man in Tenganan village the small place where the aborigine people of Bali still living there.
The people of Tenganan Pegringsingan also are called Bali Mula, the original Balinese. They descend from the pre-Majapahit kingdom of Pegeng. There are strict rules as to who is allowed to live in the village. Only those born in the village can stay in the village and become full members of the community.

Comentarios 1

  • Benita Sittner 06/05/2018 20:48

    ...Tenganan ist ein toller Ort....ich habe damals die Kinderspielgeräte sehr bestaunt...
    ein tolles Portrait hast Du hier ...VLG Benita