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mario gabbarin

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La foto non è mia ma di un mio amico, Gaston, che me l'ha inviata perchè la publicassi.

Comentarios 27

  • Sensor am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs 29/04/2012 21:05

    Real life produces always the most absurd scenes.
  • eddi zuliani 14/10/2011 22:37

    Straodinaria. Ciao Mario, io ci andro' fra una 20 na di gg.
    un saluto cordiale
  • Carla Paci 06/12/2010 8:18

    una scena veramente incredibile ho letto un libro di Cammilleri una metamorfosi di un rapporto affettivo fra un pastorello e una capra vedendo questa foto mi fà pensare che possa essere anche vero !!!!!!!! bravissimo il tuo amico nella ripresa complimentoni davvero una bellissima foto
  • alessandro tagliaferri 19/06/2010 19:37

    Incredibile, ottimo colpo!
  • dolores coll 03/06/2010 17:34

    mi sobrino esta encantado con esta foto, se tira por los suelos de la risa. a mi me ha encantado.
  • Gerwine S. 03/06/2010 11:56

    beautiful! This photo was used for Storymoja's writing contest last year! Here is my story:

    Deji’s dance
    I woke up early this morning when I felt a wet touch on my cheek. Sleepily I tried to open my tired eyes when I looked into the hazel eyes of Tini my goat.
    “How did you get to my bedroom, Tini?” I enquired.
    “You left the door ajar, so I just thought I should come in. Please understand. I need your help!”
    “What help?” I replied, lifting myself up a little.
    “Please I need to go to my village, I had a message from my brother in my dream, his wife feels sick, she is expecting. You know, how far it is, and you have a bicycle.”
    I swallowed. “Tini, you know, I have to go to work, and I don’t know how to help”. Her eyes looked into mine so trustingly, I felt bad to turn her down. Tini had been a wonderful companion to me. I drank her milk; she watched my home, when I had to go to work, very faithfully. I was living all by myself, my girl friend I had wanted to marry died two years ago and I had not quite gotten over it.
    Against knowing better I replied:”Let me think of something”. She nodded and put her head briefly on my arm, then went out of my bedroom, saying “I’ll wait for you”.
    Only one of my neighbors, a very old man knew my attachment and companionship with Tini. I confided into him once that I understand her language and that we converse sometimes. I got up, put on shorts and went to see him. It wasn’t yet seven in the morning, but he was up in his garden, watering the tomatoes and smoking his pipe whose sweet smoke curled up into the bluish morning sky.
    “Papa Ero” I called his attention, “good morning!” I went to him and told him what Tini wanted from me. I asked him if his grandchild, the ten year old Yomi could go to my office at the police station and tell them, that today I could not come to work, because of a call from my village. He looked at me probingly, then nodded and consented. I was relieved and thanked him.
    I went back inside, ate some left over bean cake and drunk some tea, then put on my jeans and shirt, and together my goat Tini and I rode to her village. Her weight wasn’t too heavy on my back. I just knew, I owed her the favor. I hadn’t been there for some time, but remembered the way to the village. It was hot already, we rode along a canal, no shade in sight. Later, the way led into a forest and immediately I felt comfortable under the green roof the trees formed. We had about half the way behind us. Tini nuzzled my neck a little, I understood she wanted to stop. We rested a little, she nibbled the fresh lush grass, I drank water from a well and picked some juicy red berries near by. After a while we continued.
    From far we could see the village roofs. About time, the afternoon would soon become early evening. When we entered the village, the children were calling out and greeting us. I let Tini come down to go and find her brother and his wife. They were owned by a nice family who looked after them well. They seemed to have been expecting me, Mama Kafila was pounding yam outside the house. I greeted her and asked about the pregnant goat. “Welcome, Deji,” she greeted me, “so nice you made it here. She has been unable to eat for two days, just lying down there, breathing heavily and only drinking a few sips of water. We are worried. She is such a good goat. The babies are due in about four weeks. Come, sit down, drink some wine and later we can eat” she offered kindly. “Thank you so much, “ I replied gratefully, sat down on the bench and stretched my tired legs in front of me, leaning my back against the warm wall of the house. “How is Papa? I asked. “He will soon be home, he has been out fishing” she replied.
    Soon the relaxing late afternoon atmosphere, the rays of the departing sun, the sparkling fresh palm wine made me sleepy and my eyelids dropped.
    A soft touch on my shoulder made me open my eyes. I shook my head a little and stretched. Nobody was there. Who touched me then? I looked around, gazing at the twilight and an almost full moon rising just behind the dark silhouettes of the trees. Not too far a soft light was glowing, it seemed to move slowly nearer towards me. I looked intensely towards the light, and the nearer it came the better I saw that it wasn’t just a light. It was a woman, a beautiful woman, the light around her like a veil, her long shining brown hair merging with the veil, her lovely legs moving gently one step after another, her hands outstretched and her beautiful hazel eyes locking with mine. Those hazel eyes…I knew them only too well.
    “Yes, Deji, you know, it’s me, Tini, and the one you believed is a goat. I had to ask you this favor to bring you back to my village to see if you are really as attached to me as I became to you. You have proven your worth. The spell I was under, you have broken it. “
    “You are so beautiful” I whispered, too stunned to say more. All I knew was that I did not want to be without this beautiful woman anymore. I saw how people had gathered around us, enchanting sounds of drums, flutes and guitars made everyone tap and move, as Tini and I danced the dance of our joy and love under the moon.
    © Gerwine Bayo-Martins, 10 November 2009

    Flying over Cameroon Mountains to Malabo - Bioko
    Flying over Cameroon Mountains to Malabo - Bioko
    Gerwine S.

  • Alessandro Russo 02/06/2010 20:18

    troppo forte
    ciao Alessandro
  • Claudio Micheli 02/06/2010 17:56

    Unica davvero!....eppure ha il suo fascino, bella davvero!
  • Luigi Scorsino 02/06/2010 16:01

    .....Ma non è possibile....da applauso!
    Ciao Mario e complimenti al tuo amico
  • Pia Musci 02/06/2010 15:24

    azzeccatissimo anche il titolo!
    hai fatto bene a postarla!
  • Francesco Liberti 02/06/2010 13:00

    speciale !!!!!!!
  • Savino Faretina 02/06/2010 12:25


  • Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 02/06/2010 9:09

    Mamma mia, che un umoristico scatto!!! Davvero Amico Mario, una sitazione incredibile e molto simpatica!!! Tutti i miei grandissimi complimenti, tante belle cose e un caro saluto cordialmente...Emir
  • Die Mohnblumen 02/06/2010 5:35

    Ein interessanter Schnappschuss. +++++
    LG K-H


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