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seven feet under the keel

seven feet under the keel

2.839 4


Free Account, Hobart.

seven feet under the keel


Comentarios 4

  • Dapo Faruk 18/05/2010 15:15

  • Flighty Furrow 18/05/2010 14:49


    As the seas are different so are the ships, the crew, the languages, the habits etc...

    In English we say: Fair seas and a following wind!

    May that wind blow that right direction ;-)

  • Flighty Furrow 18/05/2010 14:47


    Perfect no a breez to be seen but solar energy in the sails ;-)
  • MacKloneck 18/05/2010 12:52

    Interesting picture.
    ( Question : why seven ? In Poland we always say : ONE feet under the keel. Do we use the wrong version of this proverb ? )