3.406 5

Randy Rhoads

Free Account, Riga


Shed in the night.

Comentarios 5

  • Oliver Suhr 21/04/2007 20:20

    thx for the info. The effect by film is cool, I have to try itm too :-)
    cheers, Olli
  • Randy Rhoads 21/04/2007 7:46

    Olli,I didn't use any digital effects.Just a long exposure in the night.A strange colors ...i think it's because of light from the right side...there's a latern on the street:) ..OR.. i have heard that Fuji films have some priority to the green color.
    thanks for the time:)
  • Oliver Suhr 20/04/2007 23:27

    Strange colours and a very strange mood....
    Is the effect created by digital editing or by anaolog technic? Maybe you could provide some data....
    cheers, Olli
  • Ashley. 16/04/2007 1:56

    Wow, I really like the colors! Absolutely amazing shot! I love the contrast between the real colors and the notreal ones.
  • Sthita 12/04/2007 19:41

    your work is magnificient Sir