4.154 13

Comentarios 13

  • michel300 12/12/2013 23:48

    Conchiglie inerti di Giorgio Bongiorno (2013)

    Distese di conchiglie inerti
    Ammassate sulla riva
    Il sole del tramonto sfiora gusci multicolori
    Con il tepore di una carezza
    Presto sarà la notte
    A nascondere queste trasparenze di perla
    Voglio vivere ancora per un momento i raggi radenti di questa luce irreale
    E vedere dove vanno a morire
    Questi piccoli
    Preziosi gioielli del mare
  • Jacky Kobelt 12/05/2010 19:41

    amazing !
  • Kurt Molch 21/04/2010 21:24

    Great shot with wonderful light and colours. I would prefer a ratio of 2:3. Anyhow, an amazing picture.

    Bw Kurt
  • SteffenT 12/04/2010 10:20

    Simply stunning!

  • Natalja Dralova 10/04/2010 10:13

    What a nice shot! Beautiful!
  • Artsalah 07/04/2010 20:28

    Stunning, as usual Alexander.
    How you do that ? How you manage to capture such soft and beautiful light ? I love this sea of shels...
    Great work !
    /best wishes, Lucas
  • James Bonnar 06/04/2010 19:00

    A superb seascape , the colours are wonderful.
  • CsomorLászló 04/04/2010 20:42

    Fantastic colors!
    Beautiful pic!
  • alessio mazzini 03/04/2010 17:32

    The hidden sun is the protagonist of this shot. Good work!!!
  • doktada didelas 03/04/2010 4:09

    fantastic lighting !
    warm and frosty at the same time
  • nasim 02/04/2010 11:25

    WONDERFUL light!!!!!
    WONDERFUL site!!!!
    WONDERFUL shot!!!
    It's soooooooo beautiful.

  • Avi Morag 02/04/2010 0:15

    Very well done!!
  • † liesel47 01/04/2010 19:35

    Perfect image and great sky !!!! Congratulations! Best regards, Liesel


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