2.206 10

Wayne Tsipouras

Premium (World), N.S.W.


Yes, The Earth DID move!
It was a lot closer than it seems....

Comentarios 10

  • Sönke Peters 01/09/2007 9:48

    That´s amazing. Great shot!
    Cheers Sönke
  • Matthias Boerschke 26/08/2006 14:10

    That was very very close too!!
    Last night at one Flash we jump into the ground and cannot see sooooo bright.But the flash was still above us so we can t see only the bright light in your eyes!!
    Very cool
    Greets matthias
  • Vesela Maleeva 13/08/2006 20:44

    An amazing presentation of a unique phenomenon! Wow. I have never seen anything like this.
  • Mark Johnston 02/08/2006 6:01

    Holy S@#*, it took me a minute to see the movement of the shot! What power! Nice capture to show mothernatures force.
  • Katrin Steiner 20/06/2006 15:01

    Wow, what a shot!!! You rarely get the right time point for flashes like this one. You rarely HAVE flashes like this in Germany anyway ;-)
    Last time I remember flashes that run like spiderwebs over the whole sky is 20 years ago in Bulgaria where I grew up.
  • Roxana Laemmlin 19/06/2006 14:17

    great shot, wayne! interesting.


  • Wolfgang H. S. 11/06/2006 15:29

    An amazing picture, indeed!
    Regards, Wolfgang
  • Gerry R. Dagonese 09/06/2006 15:21

    Very interesig picture Wayne. Nice capture!

  • Esti Eini 09/06/2006 11:58

    Wow! to have the camera in hand just at hand moment! amazing!!!
  • Theo Weijmer 09/06/2006 8:56

    Like you've been hit, nice picture.