Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Skyline in the Heat

D u b a i
the skyline with its highrises and the famous tall Burj Khalifa taken through the window of our bus ..

Things I did not know:
Burj Khalifa was designed to be the centerpiece of a large-scale, mixed-use development to include 30,000 homes, nine hotels, 3 hectares of parkland, at least 19 residential skyscrapers, the Dubai Mall, and the 12-hectare artificial Burj Khalifa Lake. The decision to build Burj Khalifa was reportedly based on the government's decision to diversify from an oil-based economy to one that is service and tourism based. According to officials, it was necessary for projects like Burj Khalifa to be built in order to garner more international recognition, and hence investment. He (Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum) wanted to put Dubai on the map with something really sensational. The tower was known as Burj Dubai ("Dubai Tower") until its official opening in January 2010. It was renamed in honour of the ruler of Abu Dhabi, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan; Abu Dhabi and the federal government of UAE lent Dubai tens of billions of US dollars so that Dubai could pay its debts – Dubai borrowed at least $80 billion for construction projects. In the 2000s, Dubai started diversifying its economy but it suffered from an economic crisis in 2007–2010, leaving large-scale projects already in construction abandoned. (thank you, Wikipedia)

Comentarios 36

  • lolita cecilia 20/04/2020 22:39

    Una fotografía fantástica, acompañada de muy buena información!!
    Un abrazo, Adele.
  • sitagita 20/04/2020 20:35

    Yes, we had booked a helicopter ride at Dubai. Unfortunately the weather was as hazy as on your photo, so we could only see a very foggy Burgh Khalifa.
    Kind regards,
  • Günther Metzinger 20/04/2020 18:05

    Da bildet sich der Schweiß schon beim Anblick.
    VG Günther M
  • hans-jakob 20/04/2020 12:54

    Tolle Aufnahme!!!
    LG hans-jakob
  • Peter Schillmeier 20/04/2020 8:24

    Eine schöne Ansicht.
    LG Peter
  • Conny11 19/04/2020 23:17

    Ein großartiges stimmungsvolles Foto... sehr gut fotografiert und präsentiert.
    LG, starte gut in die neue Woche Conny
  • Janot Mundo 19/04/2020 23:17

    une ville très moderne et des gratte ciel qui ne finissent pas de nous étonner
  • Dream30 19/04/2020 22:53

    très belle prise de vue sur ces immeubles immenses et merci pour l'explication très interessante Bises
  • Vera Böhm 19/04/2020 21:23

    The atmosphere looks a little bit dusty. Stay healthy, dear Adele!
    Regards, Vera
  • SYLDERO 19/04/2020 20:50

    MAGNIFIQUE lumière sur ces immeubles
  • DagmarN 19/04/2020 18:16

    Ampeln und Laterne im Vordergrund gefallen mir gut,
    ein tolles Foto.
    LG Dagmar
  • aline64 19/04/2020 17:33

    excellente prise de vue de ces immeubles dans une lumière très particulière
  • Mirjam Burer 19/04/2020 15:26

    very special result this way Adele...
    hugs, Mirjam
  • Gelo Charro 19/04/2020 13:16

    Espléndida composición, con una edición que le aporta calidez, y el hecho de haber compuesto la imagen con los semáforos, me agrada!!!!
  • MICHAEL stüben 19/04/2020 12:46


    Bin immer wieder angetan..... von all den Wolkenkratzern....



Carpeta Emirates, Oman
Vistas 15.565


Cámara Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Objetivo 4.3 - 215.0 mm
Diafragma 5
Tiempo de exposición 1/400
Distancia focal 21.2 mm
ISO 100