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Spanish punks in Dublin

Spanish punks in Dublin

3.622 3

Heidemarie Kück

Premium (Pro), Berlin

Spanish punks in Dublin

We met these Spanish punks in a street behind the Guinness brewery in Dublin and I couldn't resist to ask them for a photo.
They looked so different to all the other tourists and for me they fit perfect into the dark surroundings.

Comentarios 3

  • Markus Novak 29/10/2011 20:11

    absolut überzeugend!!
    ... ja, die passen in die Umgebung!
    Top Ausdruck in den Gesichtern!!
    Gruß von Markus
  • muc-wanderer 08/08/2010 12:24

    Toll, was man alles mit seinem Körper (Gesicht) anstellen kann. Nettes Posing - schönes Bild!
  • Anoli 07/08/2010 22:30

    Himmel......ein interessantes Trio, schön ins Bild gesetzt!
    LG Ilona