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Sparrows Point Sunset - No. 1

Sparrows Point Sunset - No. 1

10.435 2

Sparrows Point Sunset - No. 1

A vivid autumn sunset, power lines, and the girder-work of the Francis Scott Key Bridge (*), which
carries the I-695 highway over Baltimore's Outer Harbor. The 300mm view is from Sparrows Point.

From a Fujichrome transparency.

©Steve Ember

Key Bridge, Baltimore
Key Bridge, Baltimore
Steve Ember

Comentarios 2

  • Adele D. Oliver 27/02/2017 21:09

    a splendid sunset and excellent your image with the powerlines and
    graphics of the bridge in the foreground .... what an ambience !!!
    best regards,
  • Hans-Gerd Hacker 27/02/2017 18:17

    A mystic picture...I like the warm evening color - treatment and the fine bridge details...a really nice shot...sehr, sehr gut !
    Gruß HG