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Splash Amongst the Lilly's

Splash Amongst the Lilly's

2.029 5

Jordan Bussell

Free Account, Plymouth

Splash Amongst the Lilly's

The noise won't go away with any edit programme i can find... but the ideas there! tell me what you think

Comentarios 5

  • Regina Ray 28/10/2006 15:14

    idea is good. and color composition i like. i'm wondering if the noise can be an effect instead?!
  • Jamie Hollett 22/10/2006 17:21

    Great ideas here but too much noise & i feel the colours a little too over balanced too. Keep up with the ideas thou, never give up trying new things.
  • Sanya Kovacheva 22/10/2006 15:33

    water effects are always a nice idea :)... at least for me
    and as far as i can advise you, i think the best water pictures are the "clean" ones, with less subjects for the eye... but of course every thing has an exception :)
  • Dirk Hofmann 22/10/2006 10:56

    lucien makes good suggestions here ... it's worth a try ... :-)
  • Lucien A 22/10/2006 8:58

    Hi Jordan,

    for the noise: try Noise Ninje or Neat Image!

    They work perfect, and are freeware! For Neat Image, there are special profiles that suit your camera.
