Angelika El.

Premium (World), Großraum Stuttgart

Start in a new decennium...


A Song for New Year's Eve

by William Cullen Bryant

Stay yet, my friends, a moment stay—
Stay till the good old year,
So long companion of our way,
Shakes hands, and leaves us here.
Oh stay, oh stay,
One little hour, and then away.

The year, whose hopes were high and strong,
Has now no hopes to wake;
Yet one hour more of jest and song
For his familiar sake.
Oh stay, oh stay,
One mirthful hour, and then away.

The kindly year, his liberal hands
Have lavished all his store.
And shall we turn from where he stands,
Because he gives no more?
Oh stay, oh stay,
One grateful hour, and then away.

Days brightly came and calmly went,
While yet he was our guest;
How cheerfully the week was spent!
How sweet the seventh day's rest!
Oh stay, oh stay,
One golden hour, and then away.

Dear friends were with us, some who sleep
Beneath the coffin-lid:
What pleasant memories we keep
Of all they said and did!
Oh stay, oh stay,
One tender hour, and then away.

Even while we sing, he smiles his last,
And leaves our sphere behind.
The good old year is with the past;
Oh be the new as kind!
Oh stay, oh stay,
One parting strain, and then away.


In some parts of the world - they have new year since a few hours!!!!


Comentarios 22

  • Christa Regina 11/06/2011 10:54

    Durch Zufall bin ich wieder auf dieses herrliche Foto gestossen. Es ist einfach traumhaft schön.
    Dir schöne Pfingsttage liebe Angelika von Christa
  • Thomas Ripplinger 06/04/2011 23:42

    Einfach nur schön!
    LG Thomas
  • Irbenika 16/02/2011 14:05


    Lg Ira

  • Sally Dunn 07/01/2011 19:24

    A wonderful picture and the texture of the petals is amazing. I love the black background too, it really makes the flower stand out and is the centre of attention which is as it should be!
  • Pascal Viyer 06/01/2011 4:51

    Une très Bonne Année 2011
  • Hanne L. 02/01/2011 11:43

    Eine traumhaft schöne Aufnahme des Mohns! Herrlich, die Licht/Schattenwirkung auf den Blütenblättern.
    Duftig, leicht und beschwingt ...
    Liebe Grüße, Hanne
  • Canan Oner 01/01/2011 20:10

    Fabulous as always Angelika...
    A dream...
    Much hugs & all the best in 2011
  • Thor Schulze 01/01/2011 15:53

    Herrlich, dieser weiße Mohn! Und Dir ebenfalls alles Gute und weiterhin so schöne Fotomotive für 2011!
    lg, Thorsten.
  • Mark Billiau. 01/01/2011 15:41

    Magnificent flower presentation, Angelika !
    Great !!!

  • Christa Regina 01/01/2011 10:12

    Das ist wunder, wunderschön. Auch Dir nochmals einen guten Start in das Neue Jahr 2011
    Alles Liebe von Christa
  • Wolfgang Keller 01/01/2011 10:05

    Ich bin einmal mehr über die Qualität deiner Fotos begeistert. Frohes neues Jahr!
    LG Wolfgang
  • Huetteberg 01/01/2011 9:22

    W u n d e r s c h ö n...

    LG Bernd
  • Deryck 31/12/2010 22:43

    Happy New year to you Angelika! This is so beautiful! Stunning detail and sharpness. A wonderful shot to end the year with
  • Anca Silvia B. 31/12/2010 19:08

    Danke Angelika,sehr schoen ist dein Start....Lg anca
  • MAURICE CLEGG 31/12/2010 18:09

    beautiful image angelika.
    the whites are fabulous.
    superb detail as always.
    a joy.
    wishing you every happiness in the coming year.
    sincerely, maurice.


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