Sticking Together
Fly Agarics -
a different view with this 7 member family huddling together :-)))
Sticking Together
Fly Agarics -
a different view with this 7 member family huddling together :-)))
Lawson McCulloch 09/11/2013 10:54
A lovely colourful wishes,
odeveld219 08/11/2013 18:25
It is rather unusual so many of these together, it's nice to see it here! The method of shooting is well applied here!With friendly greetings, Odeveld
Alexa frost 08/11/2013 8:54
For sure I love this picture...son nice realistic colors of a naturel environment..and a very simbolistic symbol of ''force to be together''hugs !!
aline64 07/11/2013 7:01
Je me contente de regarder des yeux seulement ces magnifiques champignons ta prise est superAmicalement
Andreas Wellnitz 06/11/2013 17:51
Diese Formen schaft nur die Natur,lg.Andreas!Agapy 06/11/2013 16:48
Boah, die haben sich aber eng zusammengedrängt. Das ist auch selten. Allein die Farbe wirkt schon anregend auf das Gemüt und zusammen mit den weißen Flöckchen ist ihr Anblick immer wieder auf´s Neue eine Augenweide.LG Roswitha
alberto16-menuder 06/11/2013 15:39
un ottimo punto di ripresa bravissimaClaudio Micheli 06/11/2013 13:18
...che bella! Molto...Ciao
de ceulaer 06/11/2013 12:06
fantastic shot with beautiful coloursbr
Alfred Schultz 06/11/2013 11:49
They protect each other's roof tops.A closely built-up settlement.
Greetings - Alfred
ARTURO MEDINA 06/11/2013 10:25
Adele Magnifica photo, lo mismo que la realizaciónUn saludo
s. sabine krause 06/11/2013 8:42
it's the symbol of the five* interlocking fly agarics! a sure sign that the XXII. forest floor olympics have just been declared open! the acorn throw competition and the caterpillar marathon are already in full swing! can you hear the wood fairy crowd cheer? ; ) what great lucky autumn find and capture, adele! hugs, sabine.-----------------------------------------------------------
*i'm ignoring no. 6 and 7 for the sake of a fun analysis here! ; ))
mmhardwick 06/11/2013 8:02
Something about these vivid, poisonous beasties! Love the colours, and the composition.Catherine de Montréal 06/11/2013 7:50
Ah ! oui, superbe vue +++BizZ
Sigrid E 06/11/2013 6:52
Ein ganz besonders schönes Ensemble, toll wie dicht die stehen und der Schneckenfraß machts spannend :-)LG