5.087 10


Premium (World), München

Storm front

Please fasten your seatbelts. We are about to go through some turbulence.
Storm over the Midwest of America. about 11,000 m or 36,000 ft above sea level.
NeatImage, slight tonal and contrast correction

Bitte anschnallen. Wir erwarten etwas Turbulenz.
Sturmfront über den mittleren Westen in den USA. ca. 11.000m üdm
NeatImage, leichte Tonwert- und Kontrastkorrekturen.

Nikon D70, Sigma 18-200mm. 18 mm, f/13, 1/320s. - 0.3 stops

Comentarios 10

  • KasiaDesign 22/04/2007 20:37

    @Manuel, the right seat and a lot of luck with the weather and the window.
    @Uwe, danke für das Kompliment!!
    @J&J, ja, wir sind eigentlich mit wenig Turbulenz vorbei geflogen.vvvv
  • J. Und J. Mehwald 21/04/2007 23:09

    Klasse Doku - aber Ihr habt es wohl alle gut überstanden?!
  • UweB 20/04/2007 23:13

    Das ist der Hammer. Ich würde es vorschlagen, darf aber nicht. Gruss Uwe
  • Manuel Gloger 20/04/2007 15:37

    An inkblue skye and amazing clouds. Great shot. I´m always stunned, how you get such a good quality through a n airplane window.
    BR Manuel
  • KasiaDesign 20/04/2007 0:11

    @Andrew, thanks for your comments. I too am fascinated by them!.
    @Jaime, Daren, thanks-
    @Mike, as I said in my FM, I'm sure you can do it if the opportunity arises.
    @Pascal, merci;-)
  • Pascal Viyer 20/04/2007 0:06

    Nice photo
    Excellent dialogue
  • Michael Henderson 19/04/2007 23:34

    Excellent. I never get a good window to take this kind of foto. I also don't have the skills either.

  • Daren Borzynski 19/04/2007 23:30

    Wonderful Blue sky up there!!
    Great composition... wonderful cloud formation.

  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 19/04/2007 23:24

    amazing clouds, well done

  • Andrew Le Busque(vizard photography..) 19/04/2007 23:17

    GREAT. I lvoe clouds. Forever changing so always great for photos. This is spectacular well done.
