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Free Account, Kindergarten

Summer Twosome

well ... hope the title employs the pictures meaning for me a little ...
... it was so a beatiful day ...

Comentarios 8

  • Sasha Yastremskyi 03/08/2009 14:20

    well composed. awsome processing
  • SVEIN ANDERS LUND 13/07/2009 12:11

    I like this picture.
    Well done!


  • Mu Mu 07/07/2009 22:19

    as simple as it is, i think it s one of your best. love the way you manipulated it. it s really soothing.
  • Hans-Günther Schöner 18/06/2009 12:55

    Ganz starke Arbeit!
  • Fremdkörper 16/06/2009 19:54

    you are right, victor ... theres the darkness coming already. but theres no beauty without the withering dark ...

    and thanks for your comments :)
  • Victor Malakhov 16/06/2009 18:24

    great texture, colours and light. the title matching the mood of the pic perfect, although such deep and dark terra cotta colour palette implicate me something else as "so a beatiful day"... a bit danger or something near it ;)
  • Halvorsen 16/06/2009 18:20

  • Dhavaljade 16/06/2009 16:06

    love the composition and the colors