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summer's almost gone...

summer's almost gone...

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summer's almost gone...

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Comentarios 4

  • GERRYS PHOTOS 19/08/2010 0:50

    Summer's almost gone
    Summer's almost gone
    Almost gone
    Yeah, it's almost gone
    Where will we be
    When the summer's gone?
    Morning found us calmly unaware
    Noon burn gold into our hair
    At night, we swim the laughin' sea
    When summer's gone
    Where will we be
    Where will we be
    Where will we be
    Morning found us calmly unaware
    Noon burn gold into our hair
    At night, we swim the laughin' sea
    When summer's gone
    Where will we be
    Summer's almost gone
    Summer's almost gone
    We had some good times
    But they're gone
    The winter's comin' on
    Summer's almost gone
    - by Jim Morrison / the DOORS
  • Helmut Johann Paseka 13/08/2010 8:44

    . . da hat "etwas", . . aber früh "abgedreht", . . hätte noch Zeit gehabt, . .
    herzlichst Helmut
  • H. Endres 12/08/2010 20:54

    Den Eindruck habe ich leider auch. Irgendwie weht schon ein Hauch Herbstwind bei uns :o(
    LG Harald
  • Wolfgang H 12/08/2010 16:13

    tja, bei dem Gedanken kann man wirklich leicht den blues kriegen .... trotzdem: fein gesehen, diese Herbstfarben
    LG Wolfgang