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Sunrise over the endless Ocean.

Sunrise over the endless Ocean.

1.471 7

Wayne Tsipouras

Premium (World), N.S.W.

Sunrise over the endless Ocean.


Comentarios 7

  • Geoff Ashton 16/08/2006 18:13

    i think i would of straitend it and maybe done a little work with photo shop
    but it is a very nice foto
    cheers geoff
  • Sibylle C. 26/07/2006 8:09

    A beautiful moment.

  • Thomas Johannes Riemann 14/04/2006 12:36

    A beautyfull moment.. :-)
  • Yolanda Weber 19/11/2005 12:00

    I agree with Rob. You captured it well, but it needs a little bit of work. Yolanda
  • Wayne Tsipouras 12/10/2005 3:54

    Thanks Rob,
    I gave this a try last night.

    looks Good!

  • Rob Wells 11/10/2005 17:59

    Good shot, Wayne.

    I think it would have looked a little neater if it was straigthened though (thats just my preference though).

    I must confess to having a little look at the shot after a bit of enhancement, just to see if the colours could be bought out a bit more....and it did.

    Take it easy.
  • Robert L. Roux 08/10/2005 14:44

    More colourful evidence ... :-)