Sydney's Flying Foxes
as I passed through the Botanical Gardens in downtown Sydney, I saw a lot of these hanging in the trees about 10meters above my head. many others noticed too and were makiing fotos! though named Flying Foxes in Australia, these are bats... and they come out after sunset and fill the downtown Sydney area with their flying and screeching
Tony AKa fototaker 28/01/2012 17:47
yes and VERY big!!!Esti Eini 28/01/2012 14:27
strange creatures, hang with their heads down. nice pic with the red of the tree.Jacqueline Chay 18/12/2009 6:38
Hi Tony - Good capture of the Fruit Bats - Its rather smelly where they roost in the Botanical Gardens though loll - Hope your having a good timeRegards Jackie