Comentarios 6

  • Dirk Hofmann 27/11/2006 14:57

    i will translate that for our english readers:

    elisabeth says:

    just wanted from me ... doesn't it look like he would kick them and after that apologizes?

    well ... didn't see it from that point of view, but you're definetely right ... :-))

    thx for the explanation!
  • Wolfgang Weninger 26/11/2006 10:25

    manche Leute haben einfach ungeahnte Talente und du fängst das gekonnt ein :-)
    Servus, Wolfgang
  • Elisabeth Schiess 25/11/2006 13:50

    @Dirk: just wanted from me: sieht doch aus, als ob er sie erst treten würde und dann um Vergebung bittet...
    LG ES
  • Dirk Hofmann 25/11/2006 13:13

    the people in the background are kind of disturbing to me ... :-(
  • Kurt Salzmann 25/11/2006 11:21

    Guter Kurzfilm
  • Elisabeth Schiess 25/11/2006 10:28

    thanks SUE!
    as I can load only 1 pic a week, I will put the others under this one, in fc-de.
    LG ES