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The artist's embankment

The artist's embankment

1.576 3

Dr.Szirmai János

Premium (Basic), Budapest

The artist's embankment

A little bit unusual picture

Comentarios 3

  • Werner Abel 06/07/2010 12:30

    Eine nicht alltägliche Aufnahme. LG Werner.
  • dee da 08/05/2010 11:16

    ..ein wirklich faszinierendes bild!
  • s. sabine krause 13/04/2010 14:36

    this is great!! how could i have missed it?! when i first looked at it, i thought this must be some kind of art installation illustrating that "nickname" of new york city, "the big apple"… but apparently it isn't! it's hong kong! great how the "roundness" of the giant fruit seems to repeat itself in the "semicircle" of that wall! and the peppy colors look just amazing against the dark and foggy sky! a great "pop culture shot" ; )) – and the detail of the tourist in neon-pink is the icing on the cake! greetings, sabine.