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The cheerful sardines

The cheerful sardines

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Premium (World), Palermo

The cheerful sardines

Flash mob of sardine movement
Palermo, Piazza Giuseppe Verdi, 22 November 2019, at 6.30pm.

A few days ago the "sardine movement" was born in Italy, born almost as a bet by four young of Bologna, who launched the idea of huddling in a flash mob in Piazza Maggiore to counteract populism (but also the recrudescent fascism), precisely as sardines, in a number higher than that of the capacity of the "Paladozza" (5570 people) where Matteo Salvini, current leader political party called the “League”.
“Lega” and maximum representative of sovereignty (with the slogan "first the Italians"), would preside over an electoral event.
The success of the initiative was sensational: about 15,000 people gathered for the flash mob in the square.
After Bologna, similar initiatives took place in important Italian cities: Mantua, Modena, Palermo and certainly others will follow.
Political symbols are not present at the demonstrations, to underline the identity of a movement born outside the traditional parties.

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