Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

The Dreamer


Don Quixote (my interpretation of this sculpture) is a Spanish epic novel by Miguel de Cervantes. Originally published in two parts, in 1605 and 1615, its full title is The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha or, in Spanish, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quixote de la Mancha. A founding work of Western literature, it is often labelled as the first modern novel and one of the greatest works ever written.Don Quixote is also one of the most-translated books in the world.
I had walked by this sculpture from recycled old iron many times, but either without a camera or a grey sky ... a couple of weeks ago I found what I wanted :-))

Comentarios 30

  • Andreas Boeckh 03/02/2023 22:22

    He looks more like an Indian charching at the enemy, but that may have been as futile as the endevours of Don Quijote.
  • Harold Thompson 22/01/2023 17:13

    Nicly taken against the blue sky
    Harold and Suw
  • Bernd Junge 19/01/2023 22:08

    "Mach' flott den Schrott" we would say, if a person should create such a sculpture or something similar from scrap metal. The creator of this "Don Quixote" was very imaginative and the horse has a living posture. A good idea to wait for good weather.
    Warm regards Bernd
  • Dream30 16/01/2023 22:41

    très beau ce Don Quichotte ! Bises
  • Karl-Heinz Wagemans 16/01/2023 16:11

    Da war jemand sehr kreativ. So geht reycling, gut gesehen und bestens festgehalten!
    LG K-H.
  • hsvision 16/01/2023 12:47

    Sehr interessantes Motiv fein von Dir abgelichtet. 
    Der Blickwinkel und der Schnitt gefallen mir hier sehr gut. 
    Es ist schon erstaunlich was die Menschen aus den Schrottteilen erschaffen.
    Ein Kunstwerk.
    Sowas muss man fotografieren...
    Guten Wochenstart wünscht Dir Henryk
  • Christian Villain 16/01/2023 12:28

    Excellente mise en page qui traduit bien la dynamique puissante et l'élan de ce cheval et son cavalier aux tons bruns se détachant superbement sur ce ciel d'un bleu pur . 
    Amitiés et bonne semaine
  • Sabine Junge 16/01/2023 11:15

    Wow! Made of rusty metal! This is really a work of Art full of fantasy. I'm so glad to have a look at it! And many thanks for showing! And the magnificent blue sky makes it perfect!
    Warm greetings, Sabine
  • Axel Sand 15/01/2023 17:18

    And you captured it very good.
    Have a nice week
    Warm regards
  • magic-colors 15/01/2023 16:58

    Don Quijote ist überall präsent.
    Die Geschichte ist unsterblich. Schön.
    Liebe Grüße aNette
  • Alfred Photo 15/01/2023 14:57

    Auch bei den Indianern gab es bestimmt ein Don Quijote.
    Schön der Ideenreichtum und die Umsetzung.

  • Manu T. 15/01/2023 14:09

    Was für eine beeindruckende Skulptur!
    Wunderschön in einer guten Komposition gegen einen wunderbaren blauen Himmel eingefangen 
  • Robert Buatois 15/01/2023 13:50

    Belle capture de cette œuvre de fer que j'aurais pris pour un guerrier indien.
    Sous ce ciel bleu, elle se détache bien.
    Amitiés et bon dimanche
  • Carlo.Pollaci 15/01/2023 13:09

    Bella interpretazione: all'assalto del Nuovo Anno.
  • S Gilbert 15/01/2023 12:40

    très belle prise


Carpeta Abstracts, Stilives
Vistas 37.068


Cámara Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Objetivo 4.3 - 215.0 mm
Diafragma 5
Tiempo de exposición 1/1000
Distancia focal 9.5 mm
ISO 200

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