The gardens of the palace
The Royal Palace of Caserta was wanted by the King of Naples Carlo di Borbone, who, taken by a "competition" with the French royals and eager to donate structures such proportions to Naples that they could play a role of capital-city at European level, he decided to inaugurate a palace that could rival in magnificence and grandeur with that of Versailles. The royal palace of Caserta is a royal palace, with a majestic park about 4 km long attached., It is the largest royal residence in the world by volume and the historical owners were the Bourbons of Naples, In 1997 it was declared by UNESCO,
Thomas Tilker 20/05/2020 15:26
...klasse Bildführung...LG Thom
Ivan Zanotti Photo 17/05/2020 19:24
Una stupenda prospettivaun caro saluto Ivan
Emilio Sirletti 17/05/2020 18:58
In quadratura insolita e molto bella.Ciao, Emilio
Holger Hellinger 17/05/2020 17:54
Eine wunderbare Tiefe im Bild und eine ganz feine Bearbeitung!LG.Holger
Tonino Di Marzio 17/05/2020 12:15
Un bel effetto di quinte.gageou Jean- claude gage 17/05/2020 10:52
Belle perspective avec ces statues au premier plan, bonne photo.SINA 17/05/2020 8:26
Eine großartige Aufnahme und PerspektiveBrava
Herzliche Grüße von Sina für einen schönen Sonntag
ann mari cris aschieri 16/05/2020 21:49
Capolavoro, e ben studiata la prospettiva che dà un'idea anche delle grandiose distanze.Caro saluto cris
Adele D. Oliver 16/05/2020 21:46
splendid sculpture and your view through to the gardenbeautifully composed !!!
warm regards,
homwico 16/05/2020 18:34
Klasse gezeigt aus dieser Perspektive. Sehr schöner Bildaufbau.LG homwico
norma ateca 16/05/2020 17:18
Holal Sie tragen aber schwer sehr feine Skulpturen und Landschaft vom Park fein gemacht und superb definition LGnormaBluesTime 16/05/2020 16:19
Giorgio Montani 16/05/2020 15:02
Un punto di ripresa, che le statue in primo piano esaltano, conferendo profondità all'immagine!claudine capello 16/05/2020 13:10
il parco è senza fine e ci vuole un bus per visitarlo ! complimenti bella prospettiva clMauro Stradotto 16/05/2020 11:05
Bellissima documentazione, ottima l'elaborazione,buona domenica,