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The Living Forest (211) : Siberian Chipmunk

The Living Forest (211) : Siberian Chipmunk

23.956 108 Galería

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (211) : Siberian Chipmunk

The Siberian Chipmunk is the only chipmunk found outside North America and occurs from central Russia to China, Korea and northern Japan.
This animal (relatively small compared to the well known red squirrel) lives mostly on the ground, but it's also a good climber and can be found until the highest treetops.

All over the world, this cute little creature is often kept in a cage as a pet by so called 'animal lovers'.
However after some time, those pet owners often release it into a wild habitat for one reason or another.

So happened in the seventies of last century in the ‘Zoniënwoud’, a large forest in Belgium, when a few Siberian Chipmunks were released from captivity (by whom no one knows).
Since then this lovely animal is part of the permanent fauna of that forest, with nowadays a population size of probably several thousand specimens.
Fortunately, the Siberian Chipmunk has no negative influence on the red squirrel population.

Dutch name : Siberische grondeekhoorn (ook Boeroendoek, Koreaanse grondeekhoorn of Aziatische gestreepte grondeekhoorn genoemd)
German name : Burunduk (auch Gestreiftes Backenhörnchen, Sibirisches Streifenhörnchen oder Asiatisches Streifenhörnchen genannt)
Latin name : Eutamias sibiricus

Location : Zoniënwoud at La Hulpe, Belgium.


A big thanks to Sigrid E for the nomination of this picture.


It’s already the third time this year, that I spotted an exotic animal in Belgian natural biotopes.
Here are the 2 other cases :

The Living Forest (197) : Cumberland Slider
The Living Forest (197) : Cumberland Slider
Mark Billiau.
Exceptional discovery !
Exceptional discovery !
Mark Billiau.

Comentarios 108

  • patrick hyrailles 02/10/2015 9:56

    belle photo bravo
    amitié patrick
  • Dagi.H. 02/12/2014 21:45

    A gorgeous shot, there's probably a lot of patience and perseverance needed!
    Thank you for the information supplied to it.
    Have a nice week wishes Dagi
  • Gunther Hasler 06/03/2013 19:23

    Dann ist das hübsche Gestreifte Backenhörnchen ein Neozoon, das die Tierwelt bereichert! Sehr schön und detailreich eingefangen!
    Gruß, Gunther
  • nokk 13/12/2012 7:22

    excellent picture, as usual! :)
    all my appreciations, Mark!
    hugs, doina
  • Sandra Malz 02/12/2012 18:32

    Das ist ja ganz zauberhaft!!
    Das süße Hörnchen hast Du wunderbar abgelichtet!!
    VG Sandra
  • Sigrid E 16/11/2012 17:21

    Congratulations :-)))
  • Mark Billiau. 16/11/2012 17:15

    @ everybody who voted pro : thanks very much and of course an extra thanks to Sigrid E for the nomination of this picture.

  • JValentina 16/11/2012 16:44 Comentario de la votación

  • Eric van Crombrugge 16/11/2012 16:44 Comentario de la votación

  • Reinhard... 16/11/2012 16:44 Comentario de la votación

  • Paula C 16/11/2012 16:44 Comentario de la votación

  • Angelika El. 16/11/2012 16:44 Comentario de la votación

  • Chaoscats 16/11/2012 16:44 Comentario de la votación

    Squirrel Pro :-)))
  • poorboytommy 16/11/2012 16:44 Comentario de la votación


  • Silvia Simonato. 16/11/2012 16:44 Comentario de la votación
