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The Living Forest (288) : Green Lacewing

The Living Forest (288) : Green Lacewing

27.027 37

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (288) : Green Lacewing

The Green Lacewing is an inconspicuous fly, found in many parts of Europe, America and Asia.

It’s a weak flier that is often seen during evenings and at night when they are attracted by lights.

Adult Lacewings eat pollen and honeydew and are not predatory, but the larvae feed on 70 different prey species like aphids, red spider mites, thrips, whitefly, eggs of leafhoppers, leaf miners, psyllids, small moths and caterpillars, beetle larvae and the tobacco budworm.

That’s why it is used as an important predator in cotton crops (especially in the USA, Russia and Egypt).

Dutch name : Groene gaasvlieg
German name : Grüne Florfliege (auch Gemeine Florfliege genannt)
Latin name : Chrysoperla carnea

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