The Living Forest (30) : Rhymed spiders
The story continues once more.
Also during a cold and rhymed autumn morning, life can be found in the forest.
One cobweb and two spiders ! I wonder what happened there after the warming up of the biotope…….
aline64 04/02/2017 10:54
une merveille de la nature comme j'aimeamicalement
odeveld219 15/12/2013 17:33
This photo of this rhymed spider web is fascinating Mark, you did an excellent job here!With friendly greetings, Odeveld
Gilbert13 23/09/2013 16:28
It is art, Mark, to see it live is fantastic, I simply love it and I knew you must done that ;-)))) GilbertNikonfan50 15/04/2013 21:10
wonderful, all details visible in this spider webgreetings Wilfried
jari 06/11/2008 18:59
Interesting lighting.Greetings,
Gert van der Flier 24/10/2008 13:37
I like this picture, Mark.Greetings, Gert
susi schl. 12/10/2008 0:22 das schönso etwas möchte ich auch mal fotografieren
ein Traum
Burits Pál 10/10/2008 21:29
They also need a bath.Excl. pic.
adriano j faria 06/10/2008 22:28
Very beautiful composition,taken with a good natural ligth.all the best.........Adri.
Astrid Buschmann 05/10/2008 23:29
fantastic, and ther are two spiders.greetings Astrid
Gaby Falkenberg 05/10/2008 12:44
Fantastisch Mark,toll kommt das Spinnennetz in der Morgensonne zur Geltung.
Pozer Katalin 03/10/2008 21:53
Nice drawing of the web, it is beautifully sparkling in the lights...Great capture, Mark!
Ryszard Basta 03/10/2008 21:50
einfach klasseCsomorLászló 03/10/2008 21:33
Le bon dessin et intéressant qu'il y a plus d'araignées ..amitiés
iacob ion 03/10/2008 20:59
Super capture!