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The Living Forest (341) : First sign of Autumn

The Living Forest (341) : First sign of Autumn

6.934 32

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (341) : First sign of Autumn

In the forest, the Pedunculate Oaks show their first sign of autumn.

It’s getting gradually colder and autumn is waiting to show itself in full glory.
Summer has gone and nature will change thoroughly in the weeks to come.

Dutch name : Zomereik
German name : Stieleiche
Latin name : Quercus robur

Comentarios 32

  • Sabine Junge 29/09/2015 11:35

    Playing with the light!
    You made it right!
    And I'm just gonna to be a poet! ;-))

  • odeveld219 28/09/2015 22:17

    A beautiful palette of colors enchanted by the light!
    With friendly greetings, Odeveld
  • Helgrid 27/09/2015 22:21

    In einem wunderbaren Licht hast du hier dieses Blattwerk fotografiert!
    Lieben Gruß von mir
  • Josef Kainz 27/09/2015 18:48

    Schöne Herbstfarben tolles Bild
    vg josef
  • Gerlinde Gottschalk 27/09/2015 17:00

    Jetzt werden wir wieder verwöhnt mit den schönsten Farben und dem besten Licht.
    Eine feine Herbstimpression.
  • Diana V. P. 27/09/2015 13:41

    In schönstem Licht hast Du die Eiche ins Szene gesetzt. Eine herrliche Aufnahme!!
    Liebe Grüße
  • Sylvia Schulz 27/09/2015 11:22

    der Herbst in seinen schönsten Farben, so liebe ich ihn
    LG Sylvia
  • archiek 27/09/2015 2:04

    The live oaks around my yard never loose their leaves completely. New leaves come out most of the year and they drop leaves all the time. The white oaks here will loose their leaves by the end of November. Good photo!
    Best Regards,
  • NaturPur22 26/09/2015 23:28

    Wunderschön in dem Licht ...sowas liebe ich ! LG Angelika
  • Sigrid E 26/09/2015 22:05

    Wunderschön durchleuchtet!!!!
    LG Sigrid
  • s. sabine krause 26/09/2015 12:28

    autumn is really sneaking up early on us this year! it's only the end of september and some of the maple trees are already changing color… the oaks are less dramatic, color-wise! ; ) but in the light – oh, they look absolutely gorgeous, as in your picture!! it literally makes the remnants of bleached green summer glow and shine! beautifully captured against the dark forest! greetings, sabine.
  • Angelika El. 25/09/2015 23:44

    Herrlich, von dem Sonnenlicht durchflutet kommen die Farben und Formen der Blätter ganz wunderbar zur Geltung! Ein Traum...

    LG! a.

  • Vitória Castelo Santos 25/09/2015 23:39

    Wunderbare Präsentation......gefällt mir gut.
    LG VItoria

  • Adele D. Oliver 25/09/2015 20:58

    wonderful light illuminating the branches and multi-coloured leaves of this oak tree ... very beautiful image and mood !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Anita Jarzombek-Krauledies 25/09/2015 17:33

    Herrlich sind die ersten Herbstfarben in dem Licht!!!! Großartig präsentiert!
    Viele Grüße Anita