Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

The Market in Suva

"Suva with ca. 85,700 inhabitants is the capital of Fiji since 1877 and is on the island of Viti Leva - for more info see,_Fiji

Comentarios 29

  • Gabriele Cabassi 28/01/2013 16:06

    Bello scorcio con tanti colori e tanti soggetti.
    Buona nitidezza
  • Silvana W. 26/01/2013 21:21

    All this images are very interesting.Really are documents new to me**.
    This market seem well-stocked ¡..Many thanks for these pictures bring us to discover new places and customs***
  • Joëlle Millet 25/01/2013 22:49

    Coloré et vivant ! j'adore . Belle série Adele , merci pour le voyage . Amitiés . Joëlle
  • chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 24/01/2013 21:09

    Very beautiful ! Regards
  • Dragomir Vukovic 24/01/2013 5:44

  • Inez Correia Marques 23/01/2013 22:53

    Oh dear Adele I love these scenes

    Very beautiful
  • Leeb Monika 23/01/2013 21:26

    Der Obst und Gemüsetisch ist reich gedeckt mit riesigen Früchten!
    LG monika
  • Lawson McCulloch 23/01/2013 20:10

    A fine shot of this amazing looking market Adele.
    best wishes,
  • Alfred Schultz 23/01/2013 13:35

    This must be just the right place to buy
    all the souveniers for the folks at home.
    Impressive view.
    Gruss - A.
  • Claudio Micheli 23/01/2013 13:21

    Bellissima realizzazione.
  • Markus 4 23/01/2013 11:49

    da macht es bestimmt einen Riesenspaß durchzuschlendern
  • Helga Noll 23/01/2013 11:18

    Eine tolle Aufnahme- ich möchte möchte unter ihnen mischen und alles beobachten -:))
    Grüße Helga
  • s. sabine krause 23/01/2013 9:18

    i so like taking these trips with you. i feel like i'm really getting around, being offered a taste (quite literally this time! ; )) of places i might never get to, or at least haven't been to yet. great shot of this very calm and orderly south sea market! some haggling and banter over pumpkin prices is presently going on in the right foreground, i think! ; ) hugs, sabine.
  • BRYAN CRUTE 23/01/2013 9:03

    The local Walmart store :-) nice picture of the open air market

  • Mark Billiau. 23/01/2013 8:52

    Nice and colourful market scene !



Carpeta South Pacific
Vistas 1.062


Cámara Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objetivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diafragma 2.7
Tiempo de exposición 1/25
Distancia focal 6.0 mm
ISO 100