20.614 76 Galería

Eddy Meuwese

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Comentarios 76

  • Yve G 31/12/2007 17:11

    Excellent work!

  • Maria k . t . 18/02/2004 17:31

  • Felix Hollenstein 17/07/2003 17:08

    der himmel macht das alles schon sehr dramatisch ...

    gefällt mir gut. könnte man als cover für einen "katastrophenfilm" nehmen.
    der kometeneinschlag oder so :)

    tolles foto.
  • Benjamin Boymanns 17/07/2003 0:29

    Oh mein Gott! Die absolute Härte das Bild einfach genial!
    Bin total von den Socken!

    LG Benjamin
  • Nils Utz 14/07/2003 0:55

    Mir gefällt's! Toll gemacht.
  • Dirk Frantzen 11/07/2003 16:33

    @Eddy: it seems to be Trump Tower from what I see from the architecture. Next to it - not in the picture - is the famous toystore F.A.O.Schwartz

    By the way, I mean very left, that building where we only see some lines of windows.
  • Eddy Meuwese 11/07/2003 12:27

    Dirk, I don't know for shure if this is Trump Tower on the left. What I do know, that it is The Plaza Hotel on the right, and I've Central Park in my back.
  • Martin Rosie 10/07/2003 18:42

    Krass gut!!! Einfach nur Wahnsinn!
  • L Tharin 09/07/2003 18:00

    ehm... well there can be pure black in a toned picture... you call that strong colors ;)
  • Dirk Frantzen 09/07/2003 10:57

    @Benjamin: how can there be pure black in a toned picture?
    The levels are just right ;-)
    Is this the Trump Tower on the very left?
  • L Tharin 08/07/2003 22:59

    i'm lookin the 5th time on it and i miss the pure black in it... maybe adjust the levels a bit ?
  • Eddy Meuwese 08/07/2003 12:34

    Thanks Pascal, I don't know the street names but it's in the corner of Central Park looking at The Plaza Hotel. Of course there is some Photoshopping, but I like to give my work that extra touch.
  • L Tharin 08/07/2003 4:37







  • Richard Silfverberg 08/07/2003 3:43

    love it
  • Nicole Meuwese 07/07/2003 22:46

    Proficiat Edje dat je foto in de gallerie staat mooi werkje, wat je allemaal wel niet van een foto kan maken, mooi ps werk.
    Great work greetings from Nicole...


Vistas 20.614


Galería (Viaje)
06/07/2003 183 Pro / 76 Contra

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