1.548 10

The Nuthatch

Cam set to Aperature priority F7.1 ISO400 48mm 1/15
cropped LOADS :-)))

Comentarios 10

  • Michael Grotkamp 15/01/2009 21:19

    Another great lightpainting with a sublime soft builded background and this perfect captured sympathic and strong little fighter in steel blue and wonderful warm colours... regards Michael
  • Valentino Debiasi 14/01/2009 4:31

    ottima, molto bella!
    un pò piccola....
  • Deryck 11/01/2009 19:04

    Lynn this is perfect! Fantastic light reflection on his feathers. Very good detail and I agree with the above. 1/15 is very daring for such a busy bird, but it worked well.
  • Mark Billiau. 11/01/2009 9:48

    Very nice capture of the Nuthatch.
    Great colours and sharpness.
    It's just a pity the picture is so small.
    Anyway, good work !

  • Rob Brydon 11/01/2009 4:02

    Hey eefgee, thats quite enough of making my bird shots look like "resurrected roadkill". Remind me again why you have been complaining about, the lense, the technique, the cold, the sodding too fast birds. You are taking huge leaps in your bird shots and it is very impressive. So you cropped the guts out of this one...it is still great. Colours are lovely and for a 1/15th exposure he cooperated well. BTW, you now know that black outer frames don't show up on FC. Well done and cheers...Rob
  • Fons van Swaal 10/01/2009 19:24

    Excellent work my friend.......
    Now I need your address .....
    I want to see all these birds for my self.........;-)))
  • Pascal Viyer 10/01/2009 18:22

    It's a so nice capture !!!
    have a sweet weekend, Lynn
  • Werner R. Albert 10/01/2009 15:28

    Where come all the birds from
    you capture so magnificent ?
    If I try it, the bird has flown before
    I can press the shutter release.
    Lovely portrait of a little friend.
    best wishes
  • Camilla Antonsen 10/01/2009 15:23

    Great photo, and a beautiful bird!

    Best wishes, Camilla.
  • BRYAN CRUTE 10/01/2009 15:05

    At first i jumped out my chair i thought you had captured a Kingfisher ( my must get shot in 2009)
    As it is its, an excellent Nuthatch another difficult bird to capture.
    Well done
