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The Omphalus of Earth

The Omphalus of Earth

638 9

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

The Omphalus of Earth


From 800 BC,when god Apollo declared the Temple as his major sanctuary site til 390 AD that Byzantine emperor Theodosius the Great shut it down sealing thus oficially the domination of Christianity over Dodecaitheism, the famous sanctuary of Delphi with its Pythea priestess was considered as the centre(navel) of the known world becoming with rich donations possibly the richest and most respected religious and political centre simbolizing not only the Hellenic but also international unity and fraternity among foreign and hostile states.
The Delphi sanctuary was strictly organized by a Comittee of dedicated to Apollo priests who apointed a regularly elected by them priestess known as the Pythea comissiond to convey the God's prophesies to the priests and by them to the outside world thus deciding and advising about critical matters and things to happen in the future. In most of the cases, the verdict was as complicated and perplexed as unsolved aenigma, something purely intentional from the priesthood comittee, so it could be either way interpreted or remain unsolved and thus preserving the oracle's dignity and reliability.! Clever indeed!
People kept consulting the Delpic oracle on everything from simple to most critical and important situations of public policy for more than thousand years...
Maybe the most succesful merge and exploitation of religious mysticism and political expendiency....

In the photo the two most famous sites of the sanctuary, the Temple of Apollo and the ancient theater where the festivities of Pythea were held every four years.

Comentarios 9

  • Thomas Heartfelt 31/05/2016 16:44

    A great series, dear Alexander. People are still consulting the Delpic oracle, asking Pythea all kinds of questions : ) A great shot.
    Greetings, Thomas
  • sparkling light 30/05/2016 11:48

    Marvellous point of view and a fine structure in your photo with a wide range of tones.
  • alexander stefanatos 30/05/2016 9:51

    Exactly, Tasos!! Nobady ever was wiser leaving the sanctuary...Usually he was...more confused than before! Only his pocket was empty...
    Thanks for the attention
  • Adele D. Oliver 29/05/2016 21:17

    a very impressive perspective from above - so much depth, and still the details strong - thank you for your in depth explanations !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • SINA 29/05/2016 13:27

  • Harold Thompson 29/05/2016 8:45

    Good overview of the temple quite an impressive building
    :-)) Harold
  • Sue Thompson 29/05/2016 8:44

    An excellent view down into the depths of this ancient theatre and those tiny figures give perspective to it. Tones and details are very good.

  • Tassos Kitsakis 28/05/2016 21:40

    Ixis afixis, ouk en polemo thnixis.
    Ixis afixis ouk, en polemo thnixis.

    You can translate ;-)
  • Tassos Kitsakis 28/05/2016 21:33

    An unbelievable dream the place there, especially early in the morning.
    Fine pic.


Vistas 638


Cámara DM22
Objetivo ---
Diafragma 9
Tiempo de exposición 1/180
Distancia focal 80.0 mm
ISO 200

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