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the orange and black invation

the orange and black invation

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Premium (World), New Jersey

the orange and black invation


Milkweed bugs (scientific name, Oncopeltus fasciatus), like monarch butterflies, use the milkweed plant as their major food source. The milkweed plant produces a sticky white sap and compounds called cardenolides which can be toxic because they interfere with electrical activity in the heart (Agrawal and Malcolm, 2002). Milkweed bugs are not adversely affected by the toxins. Instead, they concentrate compounds from milkweed, with the result that potential predators find the bugs to be bad-tasting (CISEO, 1997a). The distinctive orange (or orange-red) and black coloring of the milkweed bug makes it easy for potential predators to learn to avoid them (Science Buddies).

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Carpeta Flowers
Vistas 1.058

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