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The perfect house wife! :-)

The perfect house wife! :-)

3.470 8

The perfect house wife! :-)

Hasselblad 6x6 dia
Ad for a flat-iron

Comentarios 8

  • Back to live 12/07/2005 4:11

    Nearly looks like my wife, except, that my wife is more beautiful to me. ;-) But it's really a hot woman. Wish mine would iron, too. ;-)
  • John Moore 02/06/2005 11:30

    Iron on brother!!!
    Hello Octavio, yet another of your brilliant photographs.
    Lovely shot indeed.
  • Winfried Wobbe 09/12/2004 5:49

    The career woman / wife. Hmmm... I would help her with the dishes anytime....
  • Fernand A. 09/11/2004 22:08

    The title is quite macho. I guess this was again for an ads. Anyway I like the humour ;-)
  • Eve Prädelt 09/11/2004 0:09

    the perfect house wife knows somebody which can use a flat-iron ;-))
  • Hartwig U. Marion Falk 08/11/2004 20:21

    Great picture and idea, we both like it.
    But we don´t think that this wife actually uses a flat-iron ;-))
    LG Marion & Hartwig
  • Ben Goossens 08/11/2004 17:56

    Makes me thing at the advertsing of the 60th... the star system:-)
    Regards, ben
  • Josef Copi 08/11/2004 15:48

    WOW....its a realy "housewife"...very fine lady und foto.