8.759 21

Kevin Temple

Free Account, alnwick

Comentarios 21

  • KevinB 09/11/2008 18:18

    WOW!!!! This is clearly one of my favorite shots at Fotocommunity! The colors are tremendous, and the composition wonderful!!
  • Pete Burkhard 08/01/2006 11:29

    Fantastic picture, almost like a painting !
  • Dennis Maloney 08/01/2006 3:28

    Kevin, this is a wonderful composition of colour and landscape...very beautiful...den
  • Moritz Huber 04/01/2006 15:18

    wow, these colours are great, mixed in only one picture.
    And the lovely little house with the trees.
    Nice !
  • Victor Servián 04/01/2006 13:04

    Bonita composición, y bonitos los detalles de la foto que son muchos, por ejemplo, el charco de agua en el camino...la casa medio desenfocada...todo esto causa un efecto bucolico, propia de un cuadro, una pinturita. Excelente trabajo.
  • Lewis Newton 03/01/2006 21:57

    Firstly can I say that this is a beautiful work of art.
    I think you will always be able to gain access to this
    scene when ever you want to.
    Perhaps I should have made a certain comment earlier,
    i didnt, for what I thought was the right reason.
    Sorry if this caused offence - never meant too.
  • PINDORIUS 03/01/2006 21:22

    good work Kevin
  • Jannis G. 03/01/2006 20:13

    brilliant composition, colours and atmosphere
    very good work
  • Hans Solcer 03/01/2006 18:08

  • Senem G 03/01/2006 12:44

    yes..it looks like a painting...
    its wonderful...
    i like colors..
  • Stu Good 03/01/2006 12:28

    I agree with Peter, this looks like a painting.
    The colours, especially in the sky are superb.
    Wonderful picture.
    Regards, Stu.
  • Der Zacki 03/01/2006 10:12

    wonderful picture looks like a painting.
  • E. T. analog 03/01/2006 8:32

    very impressing
  • Piroska Baetz 03/01/2006 7:58

    I very nice colours and work pictures!
    greetings, piri
  • John Woo 03/01/2006 7:15

    Your attempt was very sucessful.I really enjoy looking at this image.Light,comp,and detail.
    I look forward to seeing it more


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