The Sacrifice of a Demons
Here a father holds his baby while his other children and family members attend the last part of an exorcism by offering the captured remains of the demons the once possessed them.
Exorcisms have many purposes the range from the common cold, your health, to your economic failure on one level, Then their is the break down of your family, to your marriage partner, retardation, Alzheimer, and pure evilness.
IN our world a common aspirin wold do wonders with a glass of purified water.
Uwe Kasten 07/02/2016 21:16
a very intense angle - great perspective! warmest regards, uweClaudio Micheli 26/01/2016 13:15
Bellissima presentazione.Ciao
Dominique BEAUMONT 26/01/2016 9:39
Merveilleuses photos (toutes) et sublime commentaire Glennamitiés
Sue Thompson 26/01/2016 8:47
Different cultures.... diffeent ways of dealing with what life brings.:))