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The Salt of the Earth....

The Salt of the Earth....

1.729 6

Wayne Tsipouras

Premium (World), N.S.W.

The Salt of the Earth....

... is Australian!! :-))
At the Dead Sea, 418 meters below sea level.

Had to take a deep breath ;-)

Comentarios 6

  • PaulKa 20/01/2007 14:00

    Strongman... ;-)
    LG Paul
  • Robert L. Roux 20/01/2007 12:35

    picture, title and info r2cool -
    if you go to the very bottom of the sea
    you might arrive up over -
    or somewhere in russia ...
    (but hold your breath a very-long time ;))
  • Pascal Viyer 16/01/2007 11:47

    Amazing place for an Aussie !
  • Alexandra Shcherbakova 11/01/2007 8:16

    hello Wayne!

    Is this Dead Sea? What a wonderful place you have visited! you tried the water? ;)

  • Vesela Maleeva 10/01/2007 22:47

    How blue the dead sea is! Amazing
    place, nice of your sharing it with us.
  • Katrin Steiner 10/01/2007 17:52

    Oh, I´d so love to try swimming in there. There are so many funny pictures of people floating along with their newspapers and stuff :-)
    Greets Kat