The simple message !
Some time ago, I saw this simple meaningful graffiti on a wall of a famous road in Tehran, Vali Aser Street.
I guess this image will be my LAST IMAGE for the YEAR 2007, where there are still lots of wars and invasions going on in different parts of the world.
As a result of these invasions, many people similar to us have been murdered, injured or lost their beloved ones.
I hope in the year 2008 and beyond peace and happiness scatters all around the world especially in the hearts of those innocent victims.
Discretionary budgets in $ (billions) and percentages
Year - Total - Defense - Education - Health
2008 - 930 - 51.8 - 6.3 - 5.6
2007 - 873 - 52.7 - 6.5 - 6.1
2006 - 840 - 52.0 - 6.9 - 6.1
2005 - 820 - 51.0 - 7.0 - 6.2
2004 - 782 - 51.0 - 7.0 - 6.3
2003 - 767 - 51.6 - 6.8 - 6.4
The defense budget is only the Pentagon's request each Fiscal Year. It does not include nuclear weapons programs from the Department of Energy, or funding for wars such as Iraq and Afghanistan.
Kombizz Kashani 28/08/2009 9:01
http://www.the-two-malcontents.comj.lopez 31/01/2009 17:35
yes, simple message, you are rightCathikind 31/01/2009 15:23
good one. important, true.!
milofili 16/09/2008 14:52
I believe that good photo is that photo who awake conscience and mobilize our minds.this is good photo:-)Maria João Arcanjo 15/09/2008 12:46
Great! Importante too!Beijinhos
Alessio Buzi 27/05/2008 22:00
Bella, complimentiMattia Sacco 24/05/2008 20:19
Thanks to report with this image and your comments this tragic and stupid situation devastating planet earth and its inhabitants.And thanks for the hope.
CsomorLászló 24/05/2008 8:35
MoMA Peter 23/05/2008 18:54
the last 2 men are missingthe rich one
the dead one