Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

This Too is Cartagena de Las Indias

The old UNESCO heritage protected center of Cartagena is surrounded by new roads, traffic, highrises, business centers ... a view from the highest point of the city .... and I am almost at the end of my Cartagena visit.

Wish you all a relaxing Sunday - and Monday if you are off !!!

Comentarios 25

  • Maria Grazia Bacino 21/11/2011 19:46

  • Sally Dunn 17/06/2011 15:43

    A very thriving and busy place but there is some calming strip of water in the middle! I like the road on the right with all the cars driving on it snaking out of the picture.
    It looks good with the heat haze, I long for a bit of heat, here we have pouring rain yet again.
  • Leeb Monika 14/06/2011 15:38

    Eine wundervolle Postkartenansicht, das war den Aufstieg wert und ein passender Abschluss!
    LG monika
  • Alfredo Yanez 13/06/2011 18:51

    Saludos y buena luz!*
  • montse suarez-noguerol 13/06/2011 13:22

    Broche de Oro para el cierre,,,fantatisca panoramica de una nueva Cartagena que se eleva la cielo...gracias Adele!!
  • Pierre LAVILLE 13/06/2011 9:38

    Splendide vision de cette magnifique ville
    Amitiés Pierre
  • Nuria Zortém 13/06/2011 9:33

    Una excelente panoramica, Bravo !
  • Die Mohnblumen 13/06/2011 8:42

    Sieht beeindruckend aus dieser Perspektive aus.
    Sehr guter Bildaufbau. +++
    LG K-H
  • TeresaM 13/06/2011 8:27

    Grandiose vision sur cette ville !
    Bravo pour cette superbe prise de vue, Adele.
    Amitiés & bonne journée,
  • Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 13/06/2011 7:46

    Una bellissima fotografia panoramica di splendida Cartagena, complimenti amica Adela e un carissimo saluto cordiale...Emir
  • Ana Iglesias 12/06/2011 23:15

    Una panoramica muy buena+++
    Un bico Adele
  • Lawson McCulloch 12/06/2011 17:33

    A great city skyline shot with the trees taking the eye straight in.
    best wishes from Lawson.
  • Alfred Schultz 12/06/2011 15:35

    On a clear day you can see almost forever.
    But here we have a slightly smoggy day.
    Typical to all big cities.
    Gruss - A.
  • viola d 12/06/2011 14:07

    So different from the old part, much less unique but also beautiful. Rgds, Viola
  • Ilidio Fernandes 12/06/2011 13:42

    Great view and landscape


Carpeta Panama Canal Cruise
Vistas 3.016


Cámara Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objetivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diafragma 4
Tiempo de exposición 1/1000
Distancia focal 6.0 mm
ISO 80