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Tonight in the sky

Tonight in the sky

7.258 14

Josep A. Collado

Premium (World), València

Tonight in the sky

The moon; below, Venus and above, on the right, Jupiter.
this conjunction is one of the most important astronomical phenomena of the year.
The picture is a bit over-exposed, to be able to observe some of the satellites of Jupiter.

To know more:

Comentarios 14

  • John Willems 18/04/2009 4:05

    Very well done!! Very special image and it token my attention!!
    Great one in my view!!


    John Willems
  • Vesela Maleeva 07/01/2009 22:53

    Beautiful work.
    Greetings, Ves
  • Debochkah 07/01/2009 0:26

    Molt bona!! gairebé increible!
  • PINDORIUS 03/12/2008 18:38

    vaig estar a Madrid, on vaig veure el teu email, i per la nit es veia lleugerament diferent, encara que es veia un triangle amb les puntes molt lluminoses .
  • Uli Brennemann 02/12/2008 20:03

    Molt, molt xula !
    Ahir al tornar a casa, ho vam veure igual.
    Salutacions, Uli
  • Ilidio Fernandes 02/12/2008 16:07

    Excellent capture , like it a lot.
  • Rob Brydon 02/12/2008 11:00

    Well done Josep. I've just been outside for the last 2 hours trying to do the same but mine are crap compared to yours...and I am also using a Sigma 70-300. Am going to try again tomorrow night. I can appreciate how hard it is..cheers mate...Rob
  • Cees Kuijs 02/12/2008 9:28

    Excellent, Josep !! Very unusual to capture the three in a triangle !! Lucky it was a bright night in Valencia !!
    Greetings, Cees
  • Andrea Jagersberger 02/12/2008 7:42

    What a great shot!!!
    Very interesting information - thanks!
  • Theo D´Or 02/12/2008 0:26

    Well done! Good night, my friend!
  • Josep A. Collado 02/12/2008 0:25

    yes, of course....
  • Theo D´Or 02/12/2008 0:23

    Gracias! Did you use it at 300 mm?
  • Josep A. Collado 02/12/2008 0:22

    @ Theo: I just used my Sigma 70-300 APO DG lens for Pentax.
    I don't want to think, if I had used a telescope.....
  • Theo D´Or 01/12/2008 23:33

    Great shot, Josep! Did you use a telescope or just one of your photographic lenses? The resolution showing some of Jupiter's moons is just great!