Martin Sahula

Free Account, Augsburg

| train-ee

F11 / 10+20+30 sec / ISO 400 / 70mm x 1,6
DRI image (3 images)
digital edit (sharpen + crop)

This is nothing new, appeared on fotocommunity already many times in the past. But I always wanted to try such shot, a good train-ing ;).

Comentarios 2

  • Joachim Josten 27/10/2007 15:50

    ein schöne Nachtaufnahme des Güterbahnhofs zeigst Du hier. Sie ist gut bearbeitet und zeigt viele Details.
    Gruß Jo
  • Thomas Reitzel 30/04/2007 13:24

    - well, good train-ing! Well done, but image should stand a bit more upright! To be corrected easily!